Simple Green Smoothie


Don't have a green smoothie because you feel you should, because you feel guilty, because you feel it will help you lose weight or because you're trying to be "healthy". Have a green smoothie because you like them, because you can acknowledge that perhaps you are just not that hungry or just because you think they're delicious and you genuinely want to have one!

Intuitive eating isn't about slamming the door on nutritious foods, it's about enjoying food, listening to your body and satisfying yourself one meal at a time.

A green smoothie is a great way to increase levels of antioxidants and fibre in the diet, both of which are important for cell and brain health. Dark leafy greens are also a great source of magnesium which may be beneficial in supporting good sleep.

A great tasting, simple recipe is:

  • 2 x handfuls of frozen spinach

  • 1 x handful frozen kale

  • 1 x banana

  • 1 x scoop of your choice of protein powder (I like Purition at the moment)

  • 6-7 fresh strawberries

  • 1 x heaped tsp crunchy peanut (or almond) nut butter

  • 1 x tbsp oats

  • Blended with cashew nut milk

  • Topped with your choice of granola

It’s easy to add in extra omega-3’s with flaxseeds or blending in a tsp of high quality omega-3 oil.

For any further nutritional tips on how to support mental health or re-create a health relationship with food please do get in touch today.

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