Do you need help?


If you are:

  • Feeling out of control around food

  • Skipping meals or fasting

  • Following new “health” trends or diets

  • Constantly “starting again on Monday”

  • Finding yourself all consumed with food thoughts

  • Avoiding certain types of food or restricting food groups

  • Stuck in a cycle of bingeing and purging

  • Purging after food either through vomiting, laxatives or excessive exercise or,

  • If you have a child or loved one who you are worried about

then it may be time for you to reach out for help.

Living with an eating disorder or disordered eating is stressful and can feel extremely overwhelming and lonely, but I promise you are not alone and you do not have to continue along the path you are on.

I am here for you. Let’s talk!
