Living with Anorexia Nervosa in a Larger Body: Society's Ignorance

Anorexia nervosa is often associated with extreme thinness, but the reality is that this eating disorder can affect individuals of all body sizes, including those in larger bodies. Anorexia nervosa in a larger body is often a silent and overlooked struggle and those who live with live with it may experience feeling particularly isolated and misunderstood.


One of the greatest challenges is the societal misconception that only underweight individuals can suffer from anorexia. Society's fixation on weight loss and the stigma surrounding larger bodies can make it difficult for people to reach out and receive the help they need. Often, these individuals may not be recognised as having an eating disorder because they do not fit the “typical image” of someone with anorexia. This can lead to delayed diagnosis, inadequate support, and a deepening of the disorder which can have a negative impact on recovery outcomes.


Anorexia nervosa is not about body size; it is a complex mental health disorder that affects an individual’s relationship with food and their body and results in food restriction and / or compulsive exercising due to an intense fear of gaining weight. Regardless of their weight, anyone experiencing symptoms of anorexia needs and deserves appropriate care.


Recovery is possible! It requires compassion, understanding, and appropriate psychological and nutritional support. It begins with recognizing that eating disorders do not have a “look,” and that anyone, regardless of size, needs and deserves support and care. No matter your body size, your pain is valid and help is available. Reaching out to someone who understands eating disorders in all body sizes is a crucial step toward recovery.