Posts tagged eating disorder recovery
5 Ways to Help Kids Build a Positive Relationship with Food

Many eating disorder clients I see have grown up in households where food and experiences around food have not been positive. Fostering a positive relationship with food in children, at a young age, is key when it comes to them being able to make food choices for themselves later down the line.

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Low Blood Glucose: Signs and Symptoms

Low blood glucose levels are a commonly experienced in those with eating disorders (of all types). Dizziness, weakness and being hangry doesn’t sound too bad but, ignored, can easily slip into something far more dangerous.

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Diets: A Potential Gateway to An Eating Disorder?

Engaging in restrictive eating can create a slippery slope towards the development of disordered eating or, a full blown eating disorder. The constant focus on weight and what you are, or are not, allowed to eat along with rigid rules, and foods being labeled as “good” or “bad”, can set an individual on their path to developing an unhealthy relationship with food.

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