Restriction - A Physiological Response!


How many times has a friend or colleague said to you, “ugh, all I want is some chocolate”, at 9am on day 1 of their new diet? Sound familiar?

But, of course, if they hadn’t decided to put in such strict eating practices, or to follow someone elses food rules then chocolate probably would not be one of their normal 9am thoughts.

If you tell a child not to touch the plug socket, what do they automatically want to do? You guessed it, touch the plug socket. But you are warning them about the dangers and perils of plug sockets… ok, but you are also drawing their attention to something that they probably wouldn’t even have noticed had you not said anything and drawn their attention to said plug socket.

So, what am I getting at?

Well, both mental and physical restriction are forms of restriction. You may physically restrict and not allow yourself certain foods or you might have a constant dialogue with yourself about what foods you “should” or “shouldn’t” be eating. If you are regularly mentally restricting you are putting certain foods centre stage in your brain and making them seem AMAZING, because they are forbidden. Remove the spotlight and you’ll notice the food loses it’s power. Try it, have chocolate for breakfast every day for a week - after a week, it’s not going to seem as appealing as it did because you’re brain has realised that it is… allowed!

A physiological response to restriction (aka - dieting) is for your internal appetite cues to increase. You’re brain thinks you are in a state of famine and due to the reduced calorie intake it wants energy and it wants it quickly, so what do you suddenly crave? Fast, simple, quick release carbohydrates. Feeling out of control around food or noticing an increase in food cravings when you are restricting food intake is normal, it is not that you lack willpower.

To regain confidence around food, feel calm in responding to your hunger and fullness levels or to challenge certain beliefs around foods then please get in touch today.

I am here to help!